Offering Japanese Language Education Programs for Undergraduate
Colleges, etc.
The CJLE offers Japanese language education programs tailored toward the needs of undergraduate colleges and others. As of April 2019, we will be offering the following programs:
1. Japanese Language Education Program for the Center for General Curriculum
We offer Japanese language courses as part of Mandatory Language Education Courses B in the General Curriculum for international students who are taking regular courses.
The content of these courses centers on academic skills, such as the report-writing and presentation skills needed to study or perform research at a university.
Students who need Japanese for specific purposes, such as finding a job or writing a graduation thesis, may take J8-level courses for short-term international students as electives.
They can acquire language skills for a variety of purposes, including Japanese for job hunting, Japanese for employment exams, and Japanese for reading academic papers.
2. Japanese Language Education Program for Students Majoring in International Business
in the Graduate School of Business
We provide courses in
Business Japanese
for students who are studying in the Master of International Business (MIB) Course, which is conducted in English.